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Blockchain regulations are on the way to Malta

Feb 05, 2018

Many countries that support international business had started to implement blockchain regulations during the last months. Malta is next in the line according to the plans announced at the Dubai Blockchain Conference.

Which industries will the new regulations cover? Not only blockchain but also AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (internet of things). Technologies are developing rapidly and today more and more habitual things have tech features.

As for Malta, during the conference it was declared that the government had performed rigorous work to meet all requirements of the newborn industry. New legal regulations will meet the needs of both, technological companies’ as well as anti-money laundering (AML) and counter financing of terrorism (CFT) requirements. This implies that the technology will be able to live and breathe, meanwhile the industry will be safe from any legal infringements.

Which categories will have more possibilities in Malta? First of all, blockchain investors. The new legal structure will allow them to operate within the framework created by the government. Also, the climate will become more customer-friendly. Considering novelties, trust of customers will increase and technological services will obtain more dedicated users.

Moreover, during their visit to Dubai, Maltese representatives announced plans regarding the cooperation. Malta is ready to work together with Dubai while implementing new regulations and creating new regulation experience for blockchain users. We, in Offshorelicense Ltd, are ready to consult you on starting blockchain business and offer the best jurisdictions for this matter. In addition, we work on creating business itself or consulting you as a customer in tech field.

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