Facts & Info for Authorised Company in Mauritius
General information
Company structure
- At least 1 shareholder (no residency restrictions)
- At least 1 non-corporate director (no residency restrictions)
- Mauritius Authorised Company is not a taxable entity in Mauritius and consequently not entitled to Tax. Also, it is not eligible for Tax Residence Certificate.
Registered Agent
Registered office
Company name
- Language: Any
- Letters: from Latin alphabet
- Names Requiring Consent or a Licence: Bank, buildings society, insurance, assurance, reinsurance, funds, trust, trustees, finance, savings, royal, asset management, foundation, municipal, chartered, healthcare, gaming, brokerage, broker, forex, lease, leasing, pharmaceutical
- Company name is restricted to be identical or similar that of an existing company.
In order to incorporate an Authorised Company in Mauritius, the following steps shall be carried out:
- Application for reservation of company name
- Preparation and submission with the Financial Services Commission (FSC) for the application for authorization of the company
- Submission of the application and documents to the Registrar of Companies
- Preparing the statutory file
Please provide us with the following documents and data:
- A notarized copy of valid passport
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill that is not older than 3 months)
- A notarized copy of Bank reference
- Power of attorney(signed, notarized and apostilled). Will be required to exclude the obligation of the owner having to fly personally to the country.
- Optional: CV (of each Director and Shareholder)
- If Shareholders and/or directors are legal persons, then it is required to submit full set of apostilled company documents and if certificate of Good Standing.
- If documents are not in English language, they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.