Facts & Info for Malta Private Limited Company Formation
General information
Company structure
- At least 1 Shareholder (can be legal entity, no nationality restrictions)
- At least 1 Director (no nationality or residency restrictions) *
*Shareholder can be the same person as director
- Corporate tax - 35% (may be reduced to 5%)
- Value Added Tax - 18% (may claim tax return)
Registered office
Annual return
Tax return
Company name
- Cannot contain such words as Bank, University, Society, co-op, etc. without being approved by relevant bodies
- Name has to be distinct and must show the legal form
- Application for reservation of company name
- Preparation and legalization of application and documents
- Submission of the application and documents to the Registry
- Bank account opening for deposit of capital*
- Incorporation of the company
*The speed of bank account opening process may vary depending on the due diligence of the client, and business information provided.
Please provide us with the following documents and data:
- A notarized copy of valid passport (of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory)
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory that is not older than 3 months) in English
- Original or notarized copy of Bank reference (of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory)
- Signed CV (of each Director and Shareholder)
- Business information (products/ services to be offered, target markets, planned turnover, etc.)
- If Shareholders and/or directors are legal persons, then it is required to submit full set of apostilled company documents and if company is operating more than 1 year it is required to submit certificate of Good Standing.
- If documents are not in English language or language of particular country, then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.
- Bank may request additional information/documents on its own discretion.