Facts & Info for Panama Offshore IBC Formation
General information
Company structure
- Minimum one shareholder
- Minimum three directors
- A Panama Corporation needs to also appoint three officers, a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer
- If a Panama Corporation conducts its business outside of Panama, it is exempt from all local taxes including income tax, capital gain tax, dividend tax, and stamp duty on transfer of corporate shares, and other property.
Registered Agent
Registered office
Company name
- Language: Any
- Company name must end with such sufixes or their abbreviations: Corporation, Incorporated, Sociedad Anonima, Inc., Corp., S.A.
- Company name is restricted to be identical or similar that of an existing company.
- Collection of necessary information for company registration
- Preparing foundation documents for company registration
- Payment of state fees for company formation
- Company registration in the Register of Enterprises
Please provide us with the following documents and data:
- A notarized copy of valid passport (of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory)
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory that is not older than 3 months) in English
- Optional: A notarized copy of Bank reference (of each Shareholder, Director, Beneficial Owner, Authorized Signatory)
- Optional: CV (of each Director and Shareholder)
- If Shareholders and/or directors are legal persons, then it is required to submit full set of apostilled company documents and valid certificate of Good Standing.
- If documents are not in English language, then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.