Facts & Info for Poland Limited Liability Company Formation
General information
Company structure
- Minimum one shareholder (can be either natural persons or legal entities, no restrictions on the nationality or residency)
- Minimum one director (no restrictions on the nationality and residency)
- Corporate tax rate - 19%
- Dividends tax - 19%
Other benefits
- 100% foreign ownership: foreigners can own 100% of the shares in a Polish LLC
- Low minimum share capital
- Stable EU country with low unemployment
- Superb banking services and reliable bank sector in SEPA zone
Accounting requirements
All accounting records must be written in Polish and use the Polish currency. Balance sheets and tax books must show the income, debts, profits, and losses for every fiscal year.
Registered Agent
Registered office
Company name
- Language: Any
- Letters: From Latin alphabet
- Company name must end with: “Sp. z.o.o”
- Restricted Names: Empire, Crown, Imperial, Windsor, Royal, Assurance, Bank, Building Society British, National, Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, English, Scotland, Scottish, Wales, Welsh, Ireland or Irish – (if the words are used as a suffix, they are normally allowed)
- Names Requiring special permission: insurance, bank, group
- Filing the Articles of Association as a Notary Deed
- Obtaining the total share capital before registering
- Appointing the appropriate company bodies
- Filing all required documents in the Commercial Registry
Upon filing all required documents in the Commercial Registry, it will become a legal entity. Prior to registration, the LLC may operate as a “company in organization” for up to six months with the ability to enter into legally binding contracts.
Please provide us with the following documents and data:
- Proof of identity in the form of a passport copy for all directors and shareholders
- Power of Attorney authorising to register the company
- Certified proof of address
- If Shareholders and/or directors are legal persons, then it is required to submit full set of apostilled company documents and valid certificate of Good Standing.
Please note that all documents drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Polish by a certified sworn translator.