Facts & Info for Saint Kitts and Nevis Limited Liability Company (LLC) Formation
General information
Company structure
- At least one shareholder (can be legal person, no nationality restrictions)
- At least one director (can be legal person, no nationality restrictions)
- Corporate tax –0% *
* In case if transactions or business operations are not carried out in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Other benefits
- No annual reporting, financial or accounting requirements, but company is required to keep financial records to reflect a company's financial status.
- International offshore companies are not subject to taxes.
- Free transfer of profits and no restriction on the repatriation of capital.
- Shareholders are not liable for corporate debts and obligations.
- Shareholders’ liability is limited to the total investment in the company.
- Asset protection.
- Beneficial owner’s details are not part of public records.
- Shareholders details are not a part of public records.
- Directors details are not a part of public records.
Registered Agent
Registered office
Company name
- Language: May be in any language that uses the Latin alphabet*
- Company name must end with such sufixes or their abbreviations: Limited Liability Company, LLC, L.L.C., LC, L.C.
- Names Requiring Consent or a Licence: Bank, Insurance, Assurance, Re-Insurance, Savings, Fund Management, Investment Fund, Building Society, Municipal, Loans, Chamber of Commerce, University or their foreign equivalents.
- Any name that implies illegal activity or implies royal or government patronage is restricted.
- Company name is restricted to be identical or similar that of an existing company.
*The Registrar may request an English translation if a foreign language name is to be used.
In order to incorporate Saint Kitts and Nevis Limited Liability Company, the following steps shall be carried out:
- Application for reservation of company name
- Preparation of constitutional and incorporation documents
- Submission of the application and documents to the Registrar of Companies
- Incorporation of the company
- Apostillization of documents
Please provide us with the following documents and data:
- A notarized copy of valid passport
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill, bank statement or local authority official proof of address that is not older than 3 months)
- A notarized copy of Bank reference
- Power of attorney: signed, notarized and apostilled will be required to exclude the obligation of the owner having to fly personally to the country
- CV (of each Shareholder and Director)
- If Shareholders and/or directors are legal persons, then it is required to submit full set of apostilled company documents and a valid certificate of Good Standing.
- If documents are not in English language then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.