Licensing Criteria and Procedures for Applying for Belize Forex License
General information
Company structure
- One shareholder (can also be a legal person, no nationality restriction)
- One resident director (can also be a legal person)
- Beneficial owners' details – Disclosed with court decision
- Shareholders' details – Not part of public record
- Directors' details – Not part of public record
0% - Belize Forex brokerage companies are exempt from the Belize local taxes on income derived outside of Belize
Other benefits
- Belize tends not to disclose its banking or fiscal information. However, Belizean banks are FATCA compliant.
- The meetings of the directors and the shareholders need not be held in Belize; also there is no requirement for an Annual General Meeting. All meetings may be held outside of Belize, by telephone or other electronic means. Alternatively, directors and shareholders may vote by proxy.
Accounting requirements
Belize licensed companies face the following reporting requirements:
- Quarterly financial reports to the IFSC (not audited)
- Yearly company statement reports to the IFSC
- Audit of the company’s financial reports and further submission of the audit results to the IFSC
Secretary - Optional, although it is customary to have one (can also be a legal person, no nationality or residency restrictions)
Local office - Required
Local employees - Required
Company name
- Language: Any
- Letters: From Roman alphabet
- Company name must end with such sufixes or their abbreviations: Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Society Anonyme, Sociedad Anonima or Aktiengesellschaft
- Names Requiring Consent or a Licence: Bank, Insurance, Assurance, Re-Insurance, Trust, Trustee, Savings, Royal, Asset management, Fund Management, Investment Fund, Building Society, Municipal, Chartered
- Restricted connections for company name: name of state, national or local government.
- Any name that implies illegal activity or implies royal or government patronage is restricted.
- Registrar may reject any name which it considers undesirable or contrary to the public interest.
- Company name is restricted to be identical or similar that of an existing company.
- In case when foreign language is used for company name the translation may be asked by Registrar to ensure conformity to above listed restrictions.
In order to obtain a license, the following steps will be carried out:
- Gathering and preparation of all of the documents, including those of due diligence.
- Belize company registration with paid up capital of $500.000. This requires a specific company with over 100 000 shares. This is not a standard IBC, hence higher gov. fees apply.
- Preparation of anti-money laundering procedures and custom tailored business plan.
- Submission of the due diligence documents and other related documents to the IFSC to start the process of application.
- Account opening in a local Bank for satisfying paid up capital requirements. This includes preparation and submission of all the bank forms, corporate documents and due diligence documents.
- Ad-hoc support and provision of minor documents required during the process.
- Assistance with Depositing of funds at a local Bank account in order to satisfy capital requirement for the IFSC.
- Submission of the letter from the local Bank to the IFSC that capital requirements are fulfilled.
- Receipt of license from the IFSC and delivery of documents to the Client.
- Assistance with opening of a corporate account for further operational needs of the Company.
- Finalizing bank account opening and delivery of documents to the Client.
In order to obtain license, Offshorelicense will fill all necessary application forms and also acquire apostilled corporate documents.
For that reason, please provide us with the following documents.
For a local bank:
(Each beneficial owner, shareholder, director, authorised signatory)
- A notarized copy of valid passport
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill that is not older than 3 months) in English or translated into English
- A notarized copy of a Letter of Reference form Bank, saying that the authorized person has a private account and that it is in good standing
For local regulatory authority:
(Each beneficial owner, shareholder, director, authorised signatory and secretary must provide)
- CV
- A notarized copy of valid passport
- A copy of proof of residential address (ex. utility bill that is not older than 3 months) in English or translated into English
- Professional letter/bank reference
- A notarized copy of a University Diploma
- Signed and notarized application forms
- If documents are not in English language or language of particular country, then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.
- Please ensure that notarization is in English language if not then please provide with notarized English translation.
Additional documents may be requested by the regulatory authority or local Bank at any point to certify specific information.