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6 reasons why best Forex brokers are regulated

With a huge trading volume which is about $5 trillion a day, the Foreign exchange market is still the largest financial market in the world.The uniqueness of this market is undeniable due to its geographical dispersion, accessibility, and flexibility. Traders can access the Forex market 24 hours a day, except for weekends, use different leverages to increase profit and benefit from a variety of ...

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South Korea enforcing crypto rules

**Although South Korea is one of the main crypto exchange markets with exchanges holding about $1.9 billion worth of virtual currencies, there were no relevant regulations to this day.** After years of deliberations, the country has finally specified the legal framework for cryptocurrency. **The National Assembly of South Korea has passed a bill establishing a legal foundation for virtual cur...

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The evolution of Forex in the 21st century

The foreign exchange market has existed since ancient times. Exchange systems have occurred around 8 thousand years ago and have undergone significant changes and developments before such a niche as Forex market emerged. Financial technology Forex markets were able to attain trillions in trading per day in the 21st century. Although the rapid development has been accounted for the 20th cen...

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