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Shanghai Free Trade Zone: the updates

Feb 14, 2018

We have already notified our clients about the pilot project of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in China. Its development plan was released in November 2017. The main idea is to create a unique space in Shanghai where international and Chinese companies will be able to function according to the international standards.

The Chinese government claims that the FTZ will be mostly governed by the European standards and rules. Therefore, the climate for foreign investments and innovational companies will become more attractive. Also, the great news is that tech companies will have more opportunities to grow.

Foreign citizens can be granted Chinese residence or a so-called “green card”. This might take place if foreigners create technological companies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Moreover, the official Chinese information agencies stated, that this will become a unique experience for China. Foreigners have never been in equal status with citizens and this will change magnificently. International business will have a chance to enter markets - including stock - and be financed by Chinese investors.

It is very important that such closed market will give opportunities to foreigners from now on. At present, it is a trend working with/in China and starting your business in Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

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